Works about Burke: Journal Articles by Author

Abbott, Don Paul. "Kenneth Burke's 'Secular Conversion.'" Horns of Plenty: Malcolm Cowley and His Generation 2 (1989): 39-52.

---. "Marxist Influences on the Rhetorical Theory of Kenneth Burke." Philosophy & Rhetoric 7 (1974): 217-33.

Abrams, P. A. "Individual Authors." Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson. Journal of Modern Literature 15.2/3 (1989): 320.

Acheson, Katherine O. "Hamlet, Synecdoche and History: Teaching the Tropes Of "New Remembrance."" College Literature 31.4 (2004): 111-34.

Adell, Sandra. "The Big E(Llison)'S Texts and Intertexts: Eliot, Burke, and the Underground Man." CLA Journal 37.4 (1994): 377-400.

Aeschbacher, Jill. "Kenneth Burke, Samuel Beckett, and Form." Today's Speech 21 (1973): 43.

Aitieri, Charles. "The Qualities of Action: Part Ii." boundary 2 5.3 (1977): 899-17.

Albrecht, James M. "Saying Yes and Saying No: Individualist Ethics in Ellison, Burke, and Emerson." Publication of the Modern Language Association 114.1 (1999): 46-63.

Alcorn, Marshall. Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language As Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson. Style 24.1 (1990): 132.

Aldridge, John W. "Remembering Criticism." American Scholar 62.4 (1993): 585-89.

Allen, Brenda Jay, and Phillip K. Tompkins. "Vocabularies of Motives in a Crisis of Academic Leadership." Southern Communication Journal 61.4 (1996): 322-31.

Allen, Gay Wilson. Rev. of Leaves of Grass ONE HUNDRED YEARS AFTER: New Essays by William Carlos Williams, Richard Chase, Leslie A. Fiedler, Kenneth Burke, David Daiches, and J. Middleton Murry. American Literature 27.3 (1955): 433.

Allen, Virginia. "Some Implications of Kenneth Burke's 'Way of Knwoing' for Composition Theory." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory.1-2 (1982): 10-23.

Allister, Mark. "A Marriage of Pedagogy and Theory: Sequencing and the Pentad." The Writing Instructor 2.3 (1983): 129-36.

Ambrester, Roy. "Identification Within: Kenneth Burke's View of the Unconscious." Philosophy and Rhetoric 7 (1974): 205-16.

Anderson, Dana. Rev. of The Elements of Dramatism by David Blakesley. Rhetoric Review 21.4 (2002): 413-16.

---. "Questioning the Motives of Habituated Action: Burke and Bourdieu on Practice." Philosophy & Rhetoric 37.3 (2005): 255-74.

Anderson, Floyd D., and Lawrence J. Prelli. "Pentadic Cartography: Mapping the Universe of Discourse." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 87.1 (2001): 73-95.

Anderson, Virginia. "Antithetical Ethics: Kenneth Burke and the Constitution." JAC: Journal of Composition Theory 15.2 (1995): 261-79.

---. "'the Perfect Enemy': Clinton, the Contradictions of Capitalism, and Slaying the Sin Within." Rhetoric Review 21.4 (2002): 384-400.

Anonymous. Rev. of Permanence and Change: An Anatomy of Purpose by Kenneth Burke. American Sociological Review 2.1 (1937): 2.

Anonymous. Rev. of Critical Responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966. American Literature 41.4 (1970): 624.

Anonymous. Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Late Poems, 1968-1993: Attitudinizing Verse-wise, While Fending for One's Selph, and in a Style Somewhat Artificially Colloquial. New York Review of Books 52.16 (2005): 31.

Anonymous. Rev. of The Selected correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981. Wilson Quarterly 13 (1989): 108.

---. Rev. of The selected correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981. Virginia Quarterly Review (1989): 55.

Appel, Edward C. "Burlesque Drama as a Rhetorical Genre: The Hudibrastic Ridicule of William F. Buckley, Jr." Western Journal of Communication 60 (1996): 269-84.

---. "Implications and Importanceof the Negative in Burke's Dramatistic Philosophy of Language." Communication Quarterly 41 (1993): 51-65.

---. "Kenneth Burke: Coy Theologian." Journal of Communication and Religion 16 (1993): 99-110.

---. "The Perfected Drama of Reverend Jerry Falwell." Communication Quarterly 35 (1987): 26-38.

---. "The Rhetoric of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Comedy and Context in Tragic Collision." Western Journal of Communication 61 (1997): 376-402.

---. "Rush to Judgment: Burlesque, Tragedy, and Hierarchal Alchemy in the Rhetoric of America's Foremost Political Talkshow Host." Southern Communication Journal 68.3 (2003): 217-30.

---. "The Tragic-Symbol Preaching of the Rev. Dr. Wallace E. Fisher." Journal of Communication and Religion 10 (1987): 34-43.

Arac, Jonathan. "Criticism between Opposition and Counterpoint." Boundary 2, An International Journal of Literature and Culture 25.2 (1998): 55-69.

Arrington, Phillip K. "A Dramatistic Approach to Understanding and Teaching the Paraphrase." College Composition and Communication 39 (1988): 185-97.

Arrington, Phillip K. and Shirley K. Rose. "Prologue to What Is Possible: Introductions as Metadiscourse." College Composition and Communication 38 (1987): 306-18.

Aune, James. "Burke's Late Blooming: Trope, Defense, and Rhetoric." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 69.3 (1983): 328-41.

Aune, James Arnt. "Burke's Palimpsest: Rereading Permanence and Change." Communication Studies 42 (1991): 234-38.

---. "An Historical Materialist Theory of Rhetoric." American Communication Journal 6.4 (2003).

Baer, Donald M. "A Comment on Skinner as Boy and No Burke as S-." Behaviorism 4 (1976): 273-77.

Bak, Hans. "Contest in Vilification: The Literary Friendship of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley." Rev. of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley by Paul Jay, ed. Southern Review 26.1 (1990): 226-35.

Baker, Lewis. "Kenneth Burke and Oswald Spengler." Horns of Plenty: Malcolm Cowley and His Generation 2.1 (1989): 9-18.

---. "Some Manuscript Collections Containing Kenneth Burke Materials." Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory 6.3-4 (1985): 307-11.

Ball, Moya. "A Response to Andrew King's 'Discipling the Master: Finding the Via Media for Kenneth Burke'." American Communication Journal 4.2 (2001).

Ballard-Reisch, Deborah. "China Beach and Tour of Duty: American Television and Revisionist History of the Vietnam War." Journal of Popular Culture 25.3 (1991): 135-49.

Barat, Jean Claude. "Kenneth Burke Et Les 'New Critics' Ou: Kenneth, Edmond, William Et Les Autres." Recherches Anglaises et Americains 12 (1979): 45-64.

Barett, Elizabeth. "Comedy, Courtesy, and a Passage to India." English studies in Canada 10.1 (1984): 77-93.

Barker, James R., and Phillip K. Tompkins. "Identification in the Self-Managing Organization." Human Communication Research 21.2 (1994): 223-40.

Barone, Dennis. "Under the Silence of the Unfinished Work." Boundary 2 10.2 (1982): 115.

Bator, Paul B. "The 'Good Reasons Movement': A 'Confounding' of Dialectic and Rhetoric?" Philosophy and Rhetoric 21.1 (1988): 38-47.

Baum, Rob K. "Deconstruction of National Identity in the Third Reich: Nazisprache Und Geopolitik." National Identities 8.2 (2006): 95.

Baxter, Gerald D. and Pat M. Taylor. "Burke's Theory of Consubstantiality and Whitehead's Concept of Concrescence." Communication Monographs 45 (1978): 173-80.

Bazin, Victoria. "Marianne Moore, Kenneth Burke and the Poetics of Literary Labour." Journal of American Studies 35.3 (2001): 432-51.

Bello, Richard. "A Burkeian Analysis of the 'Political Correctness' Confrontation in Higher Education." Southern Communication Journal 61.3 (1996).

Benne, Kenneth D. "Toward a Grammar of Educational Motives: Essay-Review of a Grammar of Motives." Rev. of A Grammar of Motives by Kenneth Burke. Education Forum 11 (1947).

Bennett, W. Lance. "Political Scenarios and the Nature of Politics." Philosophy and Rhetoric 8 (1983).

Benoit, William L. "Systems of Explanation: Aristotle and Burke on 'Cause'." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 13.1 (1983): 41-57.

Benoit, William L. and Dawn M. Nill. "Oliver Stone's Defense of Jfk." Communication Quarterly 46 (1998): 127-44.

Bentz, Valerie Malhotra, and Wade Kenny. "'Body-as-World': Kenneth Burke's Answer to the Postmodernist Charges against Sociology." Sociological Theory 15.1 (1997): 81.

Bertelsen, Dale A. "Kenneth Burke and Multiculturalism: A Voice of Ethnocentrism and Apologia." Qualitative Research Reports in Communication 3.4 (2002): 82-89.

Berthold, Carol A. "Kenneth Burke's Cluster-Agon Method: Its Development and an Application." Central States Speech Journal 27 (1976): 302-09.

Bessiegravere, Jean. "Kenneth Burke Face a Quelques Ecrivains Europeens (1921-1932)." Revue de litterature comparee 54 (1980): 174-95.

---. "Kenneth Burke: Critique, Lecture, Litterature Rhetorique, Linguistique Et Communaute De Communication." Oeuvres and Critiques: Revue Internationale D'etude de la Reception Critique D'etude des Oeuvres Litteraires de Langue 11.2 (1986): 209-18.

Biles, Jeremy. "The Rites of Identity: The Religious Naturalism and Cultural Criticism of Kenneth Burke and Ralph Ellison." Journal of Religion 85.1 (2005): 186-88.

Birdsell, David S. "Kenneth Burke at the Nexus of Argument and Trope." Argumentation and Advocacy 29 (1993): 178-85.

---. "Ronald Reagan on Lebanon and Grenada: Flexibility and Interpretation in the Application of Kenneth Burke's Pentad." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 73.3 (1987).

Black, Jason Edward "Symbolic Suicide as Mortification, Transformation, and Counterstatement: The Conciliatory (yet) Resistant Surrender of Maka-Tai-Mesh-Ekia-Kiak." KB Journal 2.1 (2005).

Black, Max. "Review of a Grammar of Motives." Rev. of A Grammar of Motives by Kenneth Burke. The Philosophical Review 55 (1946): 487-90.

Blain, Michael. "Rhetorical Practice in an Anti-Nuclear Weapons Campaign." Peace & Change 16.4 (1991): 355-78.

Blakesley, David. Rev. of Reorienting Rhetoric: The Dialectic of List and Story by John D. O'Banion. KB Journal 2.1 (2005).

---. "A Bibliography of the Works of Kenneth Burke." KB Journal 1.1 (2004).

---. "Burke's New Boiks: Get 'Em While They're Hot and before They're Not . . ." Rev. of Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare by Kenneth Burke, and other books. KB Journal 3.1 (2006).

---. "Review of Reorienting Rhetoric: The Dialectic of List and Story." The Kenneth Burke Society Newsletter 10.1 (1995): 22-25.

---. "Secondary Bibliography: Works About Kenneth Burke." KB Journal 1.1 (2004).

Blankenship, Jane, Edwin Murphy, and Marie Rosenwasser. "Pivotal Terms in the Early Works of Kenneth Burke." Philosophy and Rhetoric 7.1 (1974): 1-24.

Blankenship, Jane, Marlene G. Fine, and Leslie K. Davis. "The 1980 Republican Primary Debates: The Transformation of Actor to Scene." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 69 (1983): 25-36.

Blankenship, Jane and Barbara Sweeney. "The 'Energy of Form." Central States Speech Journal 31 (1980): 172-83.

Blankenship, Jane and Janette Kenner Muir. "On Imaging the Future: The Secular Search for 'Piety'." Communication Quarterly 35 (1987): 1-12.

Blanton, Shirley. "The Pentad Revisited." English in Texas 26.1 (1994): 18-21.

Blau, Herbert. "Kenneth Burke: Tradition and the Individual Critic." American Quarterly 6 (1954): 323-36.

---. "Language and Structure in Poetic Drama." Modern Language Quarterly 18.1 (1957): 27-34.

Bloom, James. "Fellow Travelers: A Canon for Critics." American Literary History 2.4 (1990): 772-80.

Blum, W.C. "A Poetry of Perspectives Review of Book of Moments." Poetry 86.1 (1956): 362-66.

Bonner, T. Rev. of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981 by Paul Jay, ed. Choice 27 (1990).

Booth, Wayne C. "Kenneth Burke's Way of Knowing." Critical Inquiry 1 (1974): 1-22.

Bostdorff, Denise M. "Making Light of James Watt: A Burkean Approach to the Form and Attitude of Political Cartoons." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (1987): 43-59.

Bostdorff , Denise M. "Vice Presidential Comedy and the Traditional Female Role: An Examination of the Rhetorical Characteristics of the Vice Presidency." Western Journal of Speech Communication 55 (1991): 1-27.

Bostdorff, Denise M. and Phillip K. Tompkins. "Musical Form and Rhetorical Form: Kenneth Burke's Dial Reviews as Counterpart to Counter Statement." Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory 6.3-4 (1985): 235-52.

Boyd, Josh. "Organizational Rhetoric Doomed to Fail: R.J. Reynolds and the Principle of Oxymoron." Western Journal of Communication 68 (2004): 45-62.

Branaman, Ann. "Reconsidering Kenneth Burke: His Contributions to the Identity Controversy Symposium on Lost Classics and Their Future in Sociology." The Sociological Quarterly 35.3 (1994): 443-55.

Brandes, Rand. "The Dismembering Muse: Seamus Heaney, Ciaran Carson, and Kenneth Burke's 'Four Master Tropes'." Bucknell Review: A Scholarly Journal of Letters, Arts, and Sciences 38.1 (1994): 177-94.

Bretzius, Stephen. "By Heaven, Thou Echoest Me: Lentricchia, Othello, De Man." Diacritics 17 (1987): 21-32.

Briggs, John C. "Peter Elbow, Kenneth Burke, and the Idea of Magic." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 11.2 (1991): 363-75.

Brock, Bernard L. "Andy King's Disciplining Burke': A Perspective by Incongruity." American Communication Journal 4.2 (2001).

Brock, Bernard L., Kenneth Burke, and Parke G. Burgess. "Dramatism as Ontology or Epistemology: A Symposium." Communication Quarterly 33 (1985): 17-33.

Brock, Bernard L. "Epistemology and Ontology in Kenneth Burke's Dramatism." Communication Quarterly 33 (1985): 93-104.

---. "The Limits of the Burkeian System." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 78.3 (1992): 347-48.

Brophy, Robert J. "Meditation on Saviours: A Public Odyssey." Robinson Jeffers Newsletter 65 (1984): 5-7.

Brown, Janet. "Kenneth Burke and the Mod Donna: The Dramatistic Method Applied to Feminist Criticism." Central States Speech Journal 29 (1978): 138-46.

Brummett, Barry. Rev. of Realism and Relativism: A Perspective on Kenneth Burke by Robert Heath. The Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (1987): 359-60.

---. Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Rhetoric, Subjectivity, Postmodernism by Robert Wess. The Quarterly Journal of Speech 83 (1997): 484-85.

---. "Electric Literature as Equipment for Living: Haunted House Films." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 2 (1985): 247-61.

---. "Kenneth Burke's Symbolic Trinity." Philosophy and Rhetoric 28.3 (1995): 234-51.

---. "Perfection and the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Teleology, and Motives." Journal of Communication 39.1 (1989): 85-95.

---. "Presidential Substance: The Address of August 15, 1973." Western Journal of Communication 39 (1975): 249-59.

---. "Speculations on the Discovery of a Burkean Blunder." Rhetoric Review 14.1 (1995): 221-25.

Brummett, Barry, and Anna M. Young. "Burke in the Fields: Some Uses of Burke in Communication Studies." KB Journal 2.2 (2006).

Bruner, Jerome. "Life as Narrative." Social Research 71.3 (2004): 691-710.

Buchanan, Richard. "Children of the Moving Present: The Ecology of Culture and the Search for Causes in Design." Design Issues 17.1 (2001): 67-84.

Buerkle, C. Wesley, Michael E. Mayer, and Clark D. Olson. "Our Hero the Buffoon: Contradictory and Concurrent Burkean Framing of Arizona Governor Evan Mecham." Western Journal of Communication 67.2 (2003): 187-206.

Burke, Peter. "Performing History: The Importance of Occasions." Rethinking History 9.1 (2005): 35-52.

Burks, Don M. "Dramatic Irony, Collaboration, and Kenneth Burke's Theory of Form." Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory.3-4 (1985).

---. "Kenneth Burke: The Agro-Bohemian 'Marxoid'." Communication Studies 42 (1991): 219-33.

Butler, Sean. "'Both Joined and Separate': English, Mary Antin, and the Rhetoric of Identification." Melus 27.1 (2002): 53-82.

Butscher, Edward. "Culture and Literature: Three Collections of Letters." Georgia Review 59.3 (2005): 691.

---. "Review of the Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981." Georgia Review 43 (1989): 419-22.

Cain, William E. Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson and Kenneth Burke and Martin Heidegger: With a Note Against Deconstruction by Samuel B. Southwell. Horns of Plenty: Malcolm Cowley and His Generation (1989).

Campos, Paulo. Rev. of Unending Conversations by Greig Henderson and David Cratis Williams, eds. Rhetorica 19.3 (2001): 342-44.

Carlson, A. Cheree. "Creative Casuistry and Feminist Consciousness: The Rhetoric of Moral Reform." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 78 (1992): 16-32.

---. "Gandhi and the Comic Frame: Ad Bellum Purificandum." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 72 (1986): 446-55.

---. "Limitations on the Comic Frame: Some Witty American Women of the Nineteenth Century." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 74.3 (1988): 310-22.

---. "Narrative as the Philosopher's Stone: How Russell H. Conwell Changed Lead into Diamonds." Western Journal of Speech communication 53 (1989): 342-55.

---. "`You Know It When You See It': The Rhetorical Hierarchy of Race and Gender in Rhinelander." Quarterly Journal of Speech 85.2 (1999): 111-29.

Carmichael, Thomas. "Postmodernism, Symbolicity, and the Rhetoric of the Hyperreal: Kenneth Burke, Fredric Jameson, and Jean Baudrillard." Text and Performance Quarterly 11.4 (1991): 319-24.

Carpenter, Ronald H. "A Stylistic Basis of Burkeian Identification." Today's Speech 20 (1972): 19-24.

Carrier, James G. "Knowledge, Meaning, and Social Inequality in Kenneth Burke." American Journal of Sociology 88 (1982): 43-61.

---. "Misrecognition and Knowledge." Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and the Social Sciences 22 (1979): 321-42.

Carroll, Jeffrey. "Essence, Stasis and Dialectic: Ways That Terms Can Mean." Rhetoric Review 23 (2004): 156-70.

Carruth, Hayden. "Three Portraits." Sewanee Review 99.2 (1991): 266-72.

Carter, C. Allen. "Kenneth Burke and the Bicameral Power of Myth." Poetics Today 18.3 (1997): 343-73.

---. "Late Burke." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86.2 (2000): 232-36.

---. "Logology and Religion: Kenneth Burke on the Metalinguistic Dimension of Language." Journal of Religion 72.1 (1992): 1-18.

Carville, Justin. "Re-Negotiated Territory." Afterimage 29.1 (2001): 5-9.

Cascardi, Anthony j. "Calderon: The Enduring Moment." Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos 7.2 (1983): 213-29.

Cavin, Margaret. "Replacing the Scapegoat." Peace & Change 19.3 (1994): 276-95.

Cavin, Margaret, and Katherine Hale. "Metaphors of Control toward a Language of Peace: Recent Self-Defining Rhetorical Constructs Of." Peace & Change 22.3 (1997): 243-63.

Chandler, Robert C. "Representative Anecdotes in Organizational Communication: Corporate Annual Reports as a Case Study." Journal of Communication Studies 6 (1988): 10-12.

Charland, Maurice. Rev. of Addressing Postmodenity: Kenneth Burke, Rhetoric, and a Theory of Social Change by Barbara A. Biesecker. Quarterly Journal of Speech 84.4 (1998): 514-17.

---. "Constitutive Rhetoric: The Case of the 'Peuple Quebecois'." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (1987): 133-50.

Chase, Richard. "Rhetoric of Rhetoric " Rev. of A Rhetoric of Motives by Kenneth Burke. Partisan Review 17 (1950): 736-39.

Cheney, George. "The Rhetoric of Identification and the Study of Organizational Communication." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 69.2 (1983): 143-58.

Chesebro, James W. "Communication, Values, and Popular Television Series -- a Twenty-Five Year Assessment and Final Conclusions." Communication Quarterly 51.4 (2003): 367-418.

---. "Communication, Values, and Popular Television Series a Seventeen-Year Assessment." Communication Quarterly 39 (1991): 197-225.

---. "A Construct for Assessing Ethics in Communication." Central States Speech Journal 20 (1969): 104-14.

---. "Epistemology and Ontology as Dialectical Modes in the Writings of Kenneth Burke." Communication Quarterly 36 (1988): 175-91.

---. "Extending the Burkeian System: A Response to Tompkins and Cheney." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 80.1 (1994): 83-90.

---. "Extensions of the Burkeian System." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 78.3 (1992): 356-68.

---. "Remembering Bernard L. Brock." KB Journal 3.1 (2006).

---. "Unending Conversations: New Writings by and About Kenneth Burke." Rhetoric Review 21.1 (2002): 105-09.

Chesebro, James W. and Caroline D. Hamsher. "Rhetorical Criticism: A Message-Centered Approach." Speech Teacher 22.4 (1973): 282-90.

Christiansen, Adrienne E. and Jeremy L. Hanson. "Comedy as Cure for Tragedy: Act up and the Rhetoric of Aids." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 82.2 (1996): 157-70.

Clark, Gregory "“Sinkership” and “Eye-Crossing”: Apprehensive in the American Landscape." KB Journal 2.2 (2006).

Clark, Miriam. Rev. of Late Poems, 1968-1993 by Kenneth Burke. KB Journal 3.1 (2006).

Clark, Miriam Marty. "Kenneth Burke." Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Rhetoric, Subjectivity, Postmodernism by Robert Wess. Southern Humanities Review 34.1 (2000): 78-80.

Clifford, John and John Schilb. "A Perspective on Eagleton's Revival of Rhetoric." Rhetoric Review 6 (1987): 22-30.

Coe, Richard M. Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson. University of Toronto Quarterly 60 (1990): 106-08.

---. "Beyond Diction: Using Burke to Empower Words and Wordlings." Rhetoric Review 11 (1993): 368-77.

---. "Critical Reading and Writing in the Burkean Classroom: A Response to Mary Salibrici." Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 42.8 (1999): 638-40.

---. "Defining Rhetoric and Us." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 10.1 (1990): 39-52.

---. "It Takes Capital to Defeat Dracula: A New Rhetorical Essay." College English 49 (1986): 231-42.

Cohen, Jodi R. "Kenneth Burke for the 21st Century " Rev. of Extensions of the Burkeian System by James W. Chesebro. Communication Quarterly 42 (1994): 89-90.

Cohen, Margot, and Dave Lindorff. "Solidarity--Ever?" Nation 233.10 (1981): 317-21.

Comas, James. "War and the Anima of Criticism." Rhetoric Review 16 (1998): 188-225.

Conant, Oliver. "Kenneth Burke and the Revolutionary Professoriat Review of Criticism and Social Change by Frank Lentricchia." Virginia Quarterly Review` 61 (1985): 366-76.

Condit, Celeste. "Framing Kenneth Burke: Sad Tragedy or Comic Dance?" The Quarterly Journal of Speech 80.1 (1994): 77-82.

---. "Post Burke: Transcending the Sub-Stance of Dramatism in the Forum: Burke Revisited and Revised." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 78.3 (1992): 349-55.

Coney, Mary B. "Terministic Screens: A Burkean Reading of the Experimental Article." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 22.2 (1992): 149-58.

Cooley, John. Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson. American Literature 62.1 (1990): 148-49.

Copeland, Thomas W. "Critics as Work Review of a Rhetoric of Motives and Two Other Books." Rev. of A Rhetoric of Motives by Kenneth Burke. The Yale Review 40 (1950-51): 167-69.

Córdova, Nathaniel I. Rev. of The Rhetoric of Redemption: Kenneth Burke’s Redemption Drama and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech" by David A. Bobbitt. KB Journal 2.1 (2005).

Cossentino, Jacqueline. "Becoming a Coach: Reform, Identity, and the Pedagogy of Negation." Teachers & Teaching 10.5 (2004): 463-87.

Coupe, Laurence. Rev. of The Rites of Identity: The Religious Naturalism and Cultural Criticism of Kenneth Burke and Ralph Ellison by Laurence Coupe. Religion 34.4 (2004): 363-64.

---. "Kenneth Burke: Pioneer of Ecocriticism." Journal of American Studies 35.3 (2001): 413-31.

---. "Myth without Mystery: The Project of Robert Segal." Religious Studies Review 29 (2003): 3-17.

Cowley, Malcolm. "Gulliver." Rev. of The White Oxen by Kenneth Burke. The Dial 77 (1924): 520-22.

Cox, James M. "Remembering Kenneth Burke." Sewanee Review 102.3 (1994): 439-43.

Crable, Bryan. "Burke's Perspective on Perspectives: Grounding Dramatism in the Representative Anecdote." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86.3 (2000): 318-33.

---. "Defending Dramatism as Ontological and Literal." Communication Quarterly 48.4 (2000): 323-42.

---. "Ideology as `Metabiology': Rereading Burke's Permanence and Change." Quarterly Journal of Speech 84.3 (1998): 303-20.

---. "Kenneth Burke's Continued Relevance: Arguments toward a Better Life." Argumentation & Advocacy 40.2 (2003): 118-23.

---. "Rhetoric, Anxiety, and Character Armor: Burke's Interactional Rhetoric of Identity 1." Western Journal of Communication 70.1 (2006): 1-22.

---. "Symbolizing Motion: Burke's Dialectic and Rhetoric of the Body." Rhetoric Review 22.2 (2003): 121-37.

---. "Unending Conversations: New Writings by and About Kenneth Burke (Book)." Argumentation & Advocacy 38.4 (2002): 273-76.

Crable, Richard E. "Ike: Identification, Argument, and Paradoxical Appeal." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 63 (1977): 188-95.

Crable, Richard E. and John J. Makay. "Kenneth Burke's Concept of Motives in Rhetorical Theory." Today's Speech 20 (1972): 11-18.

Crowell, Laura. "Three Sheers for Kenneth Burke." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 63 (1977): 152-67.

Crusius, Timothy. "Neither Trust nor Suspicion: Kenneth Burke's Rhetoric and Hermeneutics." Studies in the Literary Imagination 28.2 (1995): 79-91.

---. "The Question of Kenneth Burke's Identity: And Permanence and Change." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 18.3 (1998): 449-61.

Crusius, Timothy W. Rev. of Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson. The Quarterly Journal of Speech 76 (1990): 340-42.

---. "A Case for Kenneth Burke's Dialectic and Rhetoric." Philosophy and Rhetoric 19.1 (1986): 23-37.

---. "Kenneth Burke on His 'Morbid Selph': The Collected Poems as Comedy." CEA Critic 43.4 (1981): 18-32.

---. "Kenneth Burke's Auscultation: A 'De Struction' of Marxist Dialectic and Rhetoric." Rhetorica 6 (1988): 355-79.

---. "Kenneth Burke's Theory of Form in Rhetorical Interpretation." Recherches anglaises et americaines 12 (1979): 82-97.

---. "Orality in Kenneth Burke's Dialectic." Philosophy and Rhetoric 21.2 (1988): 116-30.

---. "The Question of Kenneth Burke's Ethics." KB Journal 3.1 (2006).

---. "Response to Paul G. Bator." Philosophy and Rhetoric 21.2 (1988): 153-57.

D.T.O. "Comparative Studies." Rev. of The Selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke and Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1981, edited by Paul Ja. Journal of Modern Literature 15.2/3 (1988): 252.

Darr, Christopher R. "Civility as Rhetorical Enactment: The John Ashcroft "Debates" And Burke's Theory of Form." Southern Communication Journal 70.4 (2005): 316-28.

Davie, Donald. Rev. of Book of Moments. Shenandoah (1955): 93-95.

Davis, Walter. "Theories of Form in Modern Criticism: An Examination of the Theories of Kenneth Burke and R. S. Crane." ADD X1970 (1970): 01.

Day, Dennis G. "Kenneth Burke and Identification--a Reply." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 47 (1961): 415-16.

---. "Persuasion and the Concept of Identification." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 (1960): 270-73.

De Mott, Benjamin. "The Little Red Discount House." Rev. of The Rhetoric of Religion by Kenneth Burke. The Hudson Review 15 (1962): 551-64.

Desilet, Gregory. "Nietzsche Contra Burke: The Melodrama in Dramatism." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 75.1 (1989): 65-83.

Dinneen, F.P., S.J. "Kenneth Burke, the Rhetoric of Religion: Studies in Logology." General Linguistics 13 (1973): 176-95.

Donavin, Georgiana. "The Medieval Rhetoric of Identification: A Burkean Reconception." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 26 (1996): 51-65.

Donoghue, Denis. "K.B.--in Memory." Sewanee Review 102.3 (1994): 443-45.

---. "Kenneth Burke's Dangling Novel." Rev. of Towards a Better Life by Kenneth Burke. Encounter 29.4 (1967): 78-84.

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